Support Us

Give the Gift of Christian Education!

Rehoboth Christian School receives no government funding. We are supported solely through tuition, fundraising activities and gifts from members, alumni, businesses, and friends. Our mission of equipping students with a life of faith and a quality education would not be possible without it. Your support is deeply appreciated!

General Fund

To make a gift to our General Fund, you may donate Online, mail a Cheque, e transfer to or set-up automatic withdrawals through our Planned Giving option.

Membership Fees

To make a gift to our General Fund, you may donate Online, mail a Cheque, e transfer to or set-up automatic withdrawals through our Planned Giving option.

Planned Giving

Auto-deposits not only help our Finance Committee manage finances throughout the year, but it also reduces the amount of volunteer hours needed. If you would like to donate through regular withdrawals –

  • Simply make a cheque payable to Rehoboth Christian School and mail to the address below
  • Send an email to Amber at or call her 519-520-6785 and indicate the amount and frequency you wish to donate. This can be done as frequently as you would like (eg. last day of each month, quarterly, annually etc)

Note that regular tuition payments can also be made this way.


Amber can also be contacted if you wish to provide Bequests, Endowments or other types of gifts.

Tax receipts will be provided for all donations. Thank you for supporting Rehoboth!


Support our children by volunteering your time and talents! Most of our operation’s finances are raised through various fundraising activities, events, and programs through out the year. Volunteering your time can make a big impact. If you would like to volunteer your time and talents, please contact us at 905 627 5977

We very much appreciate your support of volunteer time, money and prayers.

Grow With Us

Are you a business owner who would like to support Rehoboth? Consider becoming a valued partner in our Grow With Us (GWU) program. Businesses who join GWU are advertised on the back page of The Rehoboth Review, published 4 times a year.  For details and pricing, please contact Amber Bertram at

Grow With Us Partners

  • Accord Business Solutions – Jim Koopman
  • Jonathan Verduyn Real Estate
  • St. George Auto Service – Dan Jonkman
  • RCB Realty Inc Brokerage – Michael Lobbezoo
  • Desjardins Insurance – Stephen Dunn
  • DEK Financial Group – Maurice Elgersma
  • IPC – Kevin Vanderlaan
  • Lynden Community Garage – Colin Jonkman
  • Windmill Power Equipment – Vince Borgdorff
  • PromoPlace – Tim Feijer and Brandon Hannaford

Endowment Fund

An endowment fund is one set-up by Rehoboth where withdrawals from invested capital are used for our operations. For more information please contact Amber Bertram at

Short Term Missions

The Short Term Missions (STM) fund supports a short-term mission trip for qualified students in senior grades. The purpose of STM is to provide one to two weeks of exposure and working experience on a mission field. This valuable experience gives students an appreciation for the blessings we enjoy and an appreciation for mission work. It may also stimulate the call to pursue a life of service to God in the mission field.

The STM Fund has been established to help subsidize qualified students who do not have the funds for a STM trip. Students can apply for this fund for a maximum 50% subsidy for expenses (provide funds are available). The student must raise the remaining cost for the trip. STM receives funding through Student Council fund raising events, businesses, and individuals and is managed by the Rehoboth Financial Controller.

To make a gift to our STM Fund, you may donate Online or mail a Cheque.

The Jack Westerink Scholarship for Christian Studies

Jack Westerink Scholarship

To qualify for $2500 per year of study at a qualifying institution the students must have the following criteria:

  • the student must have attended Rehoboth for a minimum of his/her last two years (4 semesters)
  • the student has been accepted at a Canadian Christian institution in a 4 year under-grad or a 5 year B.Ed. program (the institution must offer a B. Ed degree)
  • the student has the highest overall average in the top six 4U or 4M courses with an overall average mark of at least 75 %
  • the student must show proof of full time enrollment and successful completion of each year to receive subsequent annual scholarships.

To make a gift to The Jack Westerink Scholarship Fund, you may donate Online, mail a Cheque, or set-up automatic withdrawals through our Planned Giving option.

Online Donation

To make a donation online, please complete the credit information through the following secure link: Donate Now

Cheque Donation

Please make your cheque payable to Rehoboth Christian School. Cheques can be mailed directly to:

Assistant Treasurer
PO Box 65
Lynden, ON
L0R 1T0